Teksty utworów

Postanowiłem się pochwalić swoją twórczością. Pewnie nie prezentuje ona nic specjalnego, ale mimo wszystko nie widzę przeciwwskazań do umieszczania jej na MT.


Can you hear this aftermath…
Something’s dying into me
Illusion just comes around
Crawling stepping around me
Looking down onto myself
Watching me just like a dog

Hey! Can you hear?
Can you hear my whisper in the dark
Like a prayer
Like a pleasant word to God

Laying down onto the floor
Being scared as a worm
Crushed by the better’s foot
Why to hell I’m scared here
If I could be brave as we
Now it’s time to reach the best

Hey! Do you know?
I won’t fear it any more
Do you feel?
How I’m winning with you one more time?

Now you know how it’s to be
Scared of the hellish dream
Don’t you ever realized
That you can change out your mind
I mean you can realize
You mean nothing to Poles

Hey! Do you know?
I won’t fear it any more
Do you feel?
How I’m winning with you one more time?

It’s a death
Powerful dream of ours
Never reached, nevermind
Never gonna feel about


Everybody look at me
Can I find some place to be?
If there's nothing more for me
And my eyes are not to see
Look at me, what am I here?
This whole world is not for me
So I'll better hang myself
People will not give me any help

Father! For what am I here?
Mother! Why did you leave me?
Rather! This world will not see
If I find! A better place to be...

People don't take any care of me
And there is no hope to see
See the change of society
For them matters only thier own live
Now what am I supposed to be?
Be the changer of this revolty
God, please tell me, what's to be
My crux is to be free...

Your life is to lead
The newborn ahead

Until death finds you
The man is in you

You're building your fate
'Till death calls your name

Gold letters will write
Your name oin the sky

Your name, your fate, your death...
Your name, your fate, your death...

Jeżeli kiedyś jeszcze coś napiszę, nie omieszkam tego zamieścić.
In God we believe.
In Metal we are.
In Mafia we play.
A napisałbyś coś dla mnie?
Jeżeli dasz mi temat i ogólny zarys, jak to ma wyglądać, to owszem.
In God we believe.
In Metal we are.
In Mafia we play.